
Monday, October 17, 2011

Sydney Synod sends message to four Vancouver churches

The Synod of the Diocese of Sydney today passed this motion –

Synod requests that the following message be sent to the following four churches in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada: St. John’s Vancouver (comprising the congregations formerly known as St John’s Shaughnessy); Good Shepherd, Vancouver; St. Matthias & St. Luke’s Vancouver; and St. Matthews, Abbotsford –

“The Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney wish to extend our prayers and support to you in this time of transition and change. We praise God for your commitment to upholding Scripture and your willingness to contend and suffer for the faith. You have been a great example in grace, wisdom and humility to Bible-believing Christians, both here in Australia, and around the world. We pray the Lord’s richest blessings on your fellowship as you continue to proclaim, rejoice and grow in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that the grace of God will ring out from you in the great city of Vancouver, to the glory of God.”

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