
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Vampire, Occult Entertainment Going Too Far? Christian Leaders Urge Action

Twilight fans may need to step back and reassess their love of vampires and werewolves, as a recent rise in occult activity throughout the world is alarming some Christian scholars.

More than just a flippant fascination, youth today have become fixated on popular entertainment subjects like vampires, ghosts and witches, taking their interests to the extreme, and acting out in accordance.

Just a few months ago, a 19-year-old in Texas, claiming to have been a 500-year-old vampire needing to be fed, broke into a woman’s home, threw her against the wall, and tried to suck her blood.

Another instance in Florida involved a teenage girl who was charged along with four others for beating a 16-year-old to death. They were part of a purported vampire cult, with one teenage girl calling herself a vampire/werewolf hybrid.

“Psychologists have long understood how women in general desire strength in men, but few could have imagined how this natural and overriding need by young ladies would be used in modern times to seduce them of their innocence using mysteriously strong yet everlastingly damned creatures depicted in popular books and films like Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse,” publisher Thomas Horn said in a statement.

“Consider as an example popular youth-oriented magazines like Rolling Stone and their article ‘The Joy of Vampire Sex.’ Look at the ménage-à-trois on the magazine’s cover of three nudes bathed in blood with the promise to readers that vampires are ‘Hot. They’re Sexy. They’re Undead.’” To read more, click here.

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