
Monday, November 21, 2011

Binary choices

Christians are constantly admonished by both fellow Christians and non-Christians for compromising on what should not be compromised and not compromising when we should. Whether the accusations are valid or not, it does raise the questions about how we decide on where we should be flexible.

Right and Wrong

There are some things that we cannot compromise; the Bible, being God’s Word to guide us through the darkness for one. These are things such as the exclusiveness of Christ as the only way to the Father, the incarnate deity of Jesus and justification by faith only. Some people may not have thought about these issues and so we must be patient, but if they have thought them through and rejected them, we must stand and boldly proclaim these people to be in error.

Open to differences

Some things are open for Christians to have differing views. Not everyone will agree but I think issues such as attitudes to baptism and church government fall into this category. To read more, click here.

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