
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

CANA's US Missionary Operations in accord with Nigerian Anglican Province

New Diocese of the Trinity Reflects CANA's growth in the US not intrusion by Nigerian Archbishop, says Minns

A story in the Church of England newspaper suggesting a chill had descended over relations between the Church of Nigeria and the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) in the wake of the creation of a diocese for Nigerians in America by the Church of Nigeria is false, VOL has been told.

"I serve at Nigerian Archbishop Nicholas Okoh's request on the leadership team of a national Church conference called the Divine Commonwealth Conference. We are working very closely together. The new diocese in CANA - The Missionary Diocese of the Trinity - is something that has been discussed for a while as a way of giving more structure and visibility to our Nigerian clergy. It is an integral part of CANA and directly under my authority," CANA missionary Bishop Martyn Minns told VOL.

"George Conger, author of the article, has got it all wrong, CANA continues and is flourishing."

"I sit in the college of bishops of CANA and ACNA and there is no chill," said recently consecrated CANA bishop Julian Dobbs.

"There is no foundation to think that a 'culturally-based diocese' indicates anything but growth for CANA. We are planting new churches, ordaining new deacons and priests and fully engaged in Christian mission across the country. It is a fiction to say there is any friction or turmoil between CANA and ACNA. We're in full Gospel partnership with each other," noted Dobbs. To read more, click here.

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