
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Defeating the Occult: Spiritual Warfare a Taboo Subject? (Part 3)

A multipart series on facing – and defeating – the forces of evil through Christ

“How had I found myself in a cheap horror movie?” wrote Bill Scott in the first pages of his book The Day Satan Called. The sense of disbelief in Scott’s tone of voice is one that is common for someone brought up in mainstream American society.

Scott is not alone in his conclusion that stories of demon possession, the occult, and overall “spiritual warfare” are largely rejected as fantasy in popular culture.

Dr. Karl Payne, chaplain for the Seattle Seahawks, recently wrote a book on the subject titled Spiritual Warfare: Christians, Demonization, and Deliverance.

In an interview with The Christian Post, Payne noted the contrast in belief in demon possession both in regards to countries and in regards to denominations.

“In developing countries demons are typically feared and appeased. In industrialized countries demons are usually ridiculed, ignored or entertained as a curiosity,” noted Payne.

Both Scott and Payne believe that Christian schools, especially the evangelical Protestant ones they were educated in, do not provide a good education on this issue. To read more, click here.

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