
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Do We Really Need Another Kick in the Pants?

Why the American Church needs a new way

I had a disturbing conversation with another pastor this week. He expressed admiration for a book that has recently become popular. He said, "This book really kicks people in the pants so they'll get up and do something." I walked away disturbed for two reasons. First, for the life of me I cannot understand why people think this particular book is so great. It's more of the same message that I've heard all my life in the church: God loves you, you should love God, now show God how you love him. Of course, it is a little more nuanced than that, but that's the basic message.

The second reason I was disturbed is much deeper. I began wondering if the people in my church really need another kick in the pants. Then I reflected on the church in Houston where I led as an elder for eight years, the church in Vancouver where I served on staff, and the various other congregations with whom I have shared life. While I admit that I used to think people needed a regular browbeating in order to get out of the pew and serve God, I now see things a bit differently. Here are the reasons. To read more, click here.

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