
Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's wrong to bar altar girls

If there is one institution that has made a point of desperately trying to keep women in their place, it's organized religion.

Whether it's Christianity, Islam or Judaism, women are often relegated to secondary roles, their contributions seen as insignificant.

In the Catholic Church, that is taken a step further by refusing to even allow women to become priests. Now, some Catholic churches are alienating women by refusing to allow girls to serve as altar servants. To read more, click here.

Related articles:
No Altar Girls at Phoenix Cathedral
Protests of Va. parish’s move away from altar girls reflects wider Catholic debate
Altar Girls are Confusing... to Bishops
Canon Law and Altar Girls

I am curious whether this development is confined to Arizona and Virginia, whether it marks the beginning of a new trend in the Roman Catholic Church, whether it is related to the introduction of the new Roman Catholic liturgy, what is the rationale, and whether it will lead to the exclusion of women as eucharistic ministers, lectors, cantors, choristers, and music ministers in the Roman Catholic Church. There is sharp debate in the Roman Catholic Church over the use of girls as servers; a number of bishops have permitted the practice.

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