
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Kenya Archbishop to Visit, Speak on Revival

For eight decades, revival has touched and transformed the Church in East Africa.

And there are lessons in store for the Singapore Church.

This is why the Anglican Archbishop of Kenya will be speaking on revival during his visit here.

The weeklong visit by the Most Reverend Dr. Eliud Wabukala is being made at the invitation of the Archbishop of Southeast Asia, the Most Revd. Dr. John Chew. Archbishop Chew is concurrently the incumbent Bishop of Singapore.

Kenya's fifth Anglican Archbishop will have two speaking engagements.

He is scheduled to speak on the topic of the East African Revival and its impact on African spirituality and society on November 17.

This talk will cover numerous areas. These comprise: the origin of the revival movement in Rwanda, its theology and special characteristics, impact on Christianity in East Africa and beyond, and shortcomings.

Archbishop Wabukala will also be speaking on the need for revival in every generation. To read more, click here.

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