
Monday, November 14, 2011

A letter from Bishop John Rucyahana to Bishop Chuck Murphy

Dear Chuck Murphy
Chairman Council of Bishops

Dear Bishop Chuck,

It is with humility that I write this letter to you, having heard that you are thinking /planning the formation of a missionary society. This comes at a very wrong timing when the province of the Anglican church of Rwanda’s leadership is changing. It is the time when Archbishop Kolini has just retired and Arch Bishop Rwaje has just taken over the leadership of the Province.

It so appears that the reasons of tranforming Amia into a missionary society that is independent from Rwanda is based on shallow assumptions like:

a) The new house of Bishops in Rwanda runs against Amia which is not true. The new house of Bishops expressed a need to establish transparent strategic processes and policies in the Province of Rwanda and in relationship with Amia, but the house and the Province in general are so commited to Amia.

b) The second assumption is based on the feeling that the new Archbishop does not take decisions like the former and this is not true either. Archbishop Rwaje has a transparent policy to consult with the house of Bishops and the church councils on the issues partaining to church management and institutional business. Unlike the former Archbishop who took decisionswithout consulting the house of Bishops and church councils and did not even inform them of what he has/had done on their behalf as church leaders.

I feel obliged to share my concerns:

1)Taking Amia from it’s original intent and purposes (vision) may distort or derail it’s destiny.

2) This move may hurt the relationship of Amia with the Province of Rwanda which stood alone in the whole world for Amia in the most difficult times.

It may be extremely hard to comprehend for the retired Archbishop Kolini who led Amia as a mission of Rwanda and now moves with Amia out of the Province during his retirement.

I would emplore you to reconsider this move, but if you so choose to do it or be inconsultation with the Province of Rwanda. It would be very sad to start with a wave of the Holy Spirit and end up with a human agenda.

I therefore request you very kindly to be considerate on the retired Archbishop Moses Tay and retired Archbishop Yong both of whom God used to assist and bless Amia at it’s formation. Please do not use them when you are taking this move, least you hurt their reputation.

Be aware that the whole world is going to have an interpretation of this move and this may cause a strong wave which may throw some of the people overboard.

Finally I would request you to slow down and make consultations with the Province of Rwanda and other friendly institutions before you take an important move like this. It is out of a deep groan of my heart and love that I have for Amia that I say this.

May the Lord bless you

Bishop Emeritus of Shyira Diocese
(Retired) Bishop John Rucyahana

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