
Monday, November 07, 2011

A Letter from the GAFCON Primates Council Chairman to FCA Members

Thank you for responding to our call to pray for the recent meeting of the Primates' Council. We received many messages of support, and were aware of the Lord blessing us as a result of your intercessions. The Primates' Council remains committed to move forward in the work of the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans and our hopes for a renewed Anglican Communion.

We are immensely aware of being involved in a spiritual struggle. Our Global Anglican movement has made its stand on the gospel of Jesus Christ as expounded in the Jerusalem Declaration. This has united us. It has also divided us from those who promote a different 'gospel'.

Our twofold aim is to promote the preaching and defence of the Gospel of Jesus the Christ and to recognise and have fellowship with Anglican Christians whose spiritual lives are threatened by false teaching. We are longing for the spiritual reform of the Anglican Communion so that in a united partnership we can commend the Lord Jesus as the one and only Saviour of the world. To read more, click here.

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