
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Planning a Christmas Sermon Series

Some churches run a special series of Christmas sermons every year in December. It's a good time for church members to bring friends who are thinking about religion and Jesus more than they would normally be during the other 11 months of the year, or so the thinking goes.

Others, usually of the more crusty and cantankerous sort, don't want to spend 1/12 of their year's preaching calendar on the same topic year in and year out.

At Guilford, the church that I serve, we split the baby in half. I do a Christmas series every other year. This year, since Christmas Day lands on a Sunday, we're doing four sermons in the month of December that consider OT prophecies of the Messiah's coming (Genesis 3:14-15, Deuteronomy 18:15-19, Psalm 110, Isaiah 7:14).

If you're planning a Christmas series, here are some good ideas.... To read more, click here.

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