
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Reaching the Unreached in the Urban Center

Influx reshapes U.S. cities -- Immigrants flowing into urban America live mostly in the inner cities of huge metro areas, form tight ethnic enclaves and stick together, right?

Wrong, wrong and wrong.

Yesterday, cities were in the nations. Today, the nations are in the cities, urban ministry pioneer Ray Bakke has observed. But to reach those nations, or peoples, for Christ, we need to understand who they are, where they are and how they are moving and changing.

"The epicenter of the urban wave in North America is ethnic minorities," Troy Bush told pastors, lay church leaders and others during a session of "ethnÈCITY: Reaching the Unreached in the Urban Center," held Oct. 20-22 at Park Slope Community Church in Brooklyn, N.Y.

"How are we going to tap into this, not only to reach them with the Gospel, but to mobilize them so that they will be the ones reaching people groups? ... We must recognize what God is doing in our cities and seize the day." To read more, click here.

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