
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Stop Turning Thanksgiving into a Facebook Like

What do toilet paper, long bike rides down sun-dappled autumn roads, Diet Coke, and Justin Bieber have in common?

Answer: #Thanksgiving, internet style. I’ve seen expressions of appreciation for each show up on Facebook and Twitter this month. I’ve certainly populated the social media universe myself with mentions of the gifts I’m grateful for, among them family, friends, health, food, and employment. Other expressions of gratitude I’ve seen have hit similar themes.

I’ve seen many other gratitude lists that are simply inventories of coveted, then acquired consumer products: big-screen TVs, cute new sweaters, Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Thanks, then, is reduced to consuming or buying stuff. Ironically, the kinds of things that are on these shopping lists are hardwired into a deeper frustration that things aren’t the way they are supposed to be in our society. Both the Tea Party and Occupy movements are grassroots responses to our floundering economy. We are in a down market for true gratitude if giving thanks is primarily linked to our purchasing power. To read more, click here.

Related article: A Grateful People

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