
Monday, November 14, 2011

Sweden Church Replaces Gospel With Techno to Lure Youth to Worship

A church in Sweden is attempting to lure Christian youth to worship services by offering “techno mass”-a ceremony in which blaring techno music replaces traditional songs.

The Church of All Saints in Stockholm will illuminate this Sunday with strobe lights flashing and techno beats thumping. The Lutheran church says it is modifying worship in order to get more young people into the pews on Sunday morning.

27-year-old priest Olle Idestrom is organizing the event. “Techno mass” started last week and Idestrom said the feedback has been entirely positive.

Idestrom said he had to turn away people wishing to attend last Sunday’s techno mass.

Church attendance in Sweden has been dwindling for years. The Church of Sweden, to which the majority of Swedish Christians belong, is a Lutheran denomination.

In 1972, 95 percent of Swedes attended Church of Sweden ceremonies. Today, only 71 percent of the population attends church. To read more, click here.

Related article:'Techno Mass' At Swedish Lutheran Church Beats For Young Christians

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