
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Crunching the Numbers from Pawleys Island

The AMiA tithe numbers don't add up

The AMiA press office appears to have shot itself in the foot once more. On Dec 9, 2011 – some eleven months after Bishop Alexis Bilindibagabo requested Bishop Chuck Murphy provide an explanation for the discrepancy between the amount of money the AMiA reported as sending to Rwanda as a tithe, and the amount of money received by Rwanda (approximately $1.2 million one bishop claimed) – the AMiA released data on the tithe to Rwanda for the years 2004 to 2010.

During this period, a total of $1.9 million was made in tithe gifts. The funds were distributed in three categories: direct payments to the central fund of the Province of Rwanda totaling $1.11 million; $487,000 in travel expenses; and $312,000 in designated gifts.

The $312,000 is further divided in a third chart provided by the press office. And here things become rather interesting. Eleven line items are listed, and of these the names of four individuals are appended to the amounts.

Perhaps it is a coincidence, but the four names listed are of three Rwandan bishops who have called for an accounting – and me. I am listed as having received $6692 for a "White Paper" written for the province. To read more, click here.

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