
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Friendliness Factor

We can over-estimate ourselves in this area.

Performance evaluations are commonplace in most companies. Employees are normally reviewed on an annual basis, and a critique is done of their productivity, attitude, and overall performance. LifeWay is no different. Beginning with my very first year, however, I surprised my direct reports by having them evaluate me. It was important to me that I get honest feedback on how I was perceived by others in the company. It is very hard, if not impossible, to evaluate yourself and receive an honest appraisal.

I have found this to be true as I have served as a consultant for many churches over the years. No matter the size, worship style, age, or location of the church, they tend to have one thing in common: they all believe they are friendly churches. Some believe they are the friendliest church in town. However, if they could see themselves through the eyes of a visitor, they may find that they are not perceived that way at all. To read more, click here.

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