
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Communique from the Anglican Church of Rwanda's House of Bishops to All AMiA Congregations and Clergy

December 9, 2011 December

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ,

In Light of recent developments in the AMiA, Including the resignation of +Chuck Murphy and the other Bishops except +Terrell Glenn and +Thad Barnum. we convened a special meeting of the House of Bishops today at the provincial headquarters in Kigali. During our meeting, we together made the following resolutions in order to clarify the status of those congregations and clergy who server under the canonical and ecclesiastical oversight of the Province of Rwanda, through the mission outreach to North America.

We reaffirm our love for you and our commitment to you as the family of Christ, especially during this particular moment. In everything you remain our prayers.

We reaffirm and reassure all the congregations that have been affiliated with AMiA their canonical standing and residence remains in the Province of Rwanda as long as they desire it.

We reaffirm that all Clergy that have been affiliated with AMiA have canonical residence in Rwanda and are therefore Clergy in PEAR as long as they desire it.

We resolve that all the Bishops who have willingly resigned from the Province of Rwanda have forfeited their authority over those clergy and congregations that have been affiliated with Rwanda through AMiA.

We formally appoint Bishops Thad Barnum and Terrell Glenn to provide Episcopal oversight, for the sake of those North American Clergy and congregations affiliated with Rwanda. Furthermore, we will meet again soon as house of Bishops and we will work with Bishop Barnum and Glenn to chart a course forward for sustainable future mission together.

We resolve that any clergy or congregations who desire to disaffiliate with the Province of Rwanda should do so in writing directed to Bishop Barnum and Glenn.

In spite of these difficult circumstances, our House of Bishops enjoy an unprecedented level of unity and fellowship in the Holy Spirit during this time. As a united House, we again urge you to keep your focus on the higher calling of following the Lord Jesus in mission and ministry.

Signed at Kagili, Rwanda on this day, the 9th of December 2011

To view a PDF file of this letter, click here.

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