
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

No need for hot cross buns at Christmas

I overheard a conversation the other day about ideas for a children’s talk at Christmas. I presume the aim was to stick with the general ‘birth of Jesus’ idea but find a new angle for 2011. One of the suggestions was to hand out hot cross buns and make the point that Christmas is good because the baby who was born ended up dying on the cross so we could be saved.

It left me wondering whether we should just scrap Christmas as a celebration and replace it with another go at Easter just in case people didn’t get the message the last time they came to church!

On the other hand, if we’re going to pay attention to the church calendar at all (noting of course that the Bible doesn’t require us to celebrate Christmas or Easter), we might as well celebrate Christmas as Christmas.

So what would be helpful to talk to our children and young people about this Christmas? To read more, click here.

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