
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Ordinariate Watch: Off to Rome

Vicar predicts all of St Timothy's Fort Worth will join the ordinariate

The vicar of the Fort Worth congregation that is set to depart for Rome believes his entire congregation will accept the pope’s offer of the Anglican Ordinariate.

The Rev. Christopher Stainbrook, SSC told Anglican Ink “we don't think there will be any remnant which wishes to remain a part of the ACNA Diocese of Fort Worth.”

On 2 December 2011 the Rt. Rev. Jack. L. Iker announced that the vicar and bishops’ committee – the term for a vestry in a mission congregation supported by a diocese – had petitioned the Vatican for the congregation of St Timothy’s to be received en masse into the Roman Catholic Church under the provisions of the Anglican Ordinariate.

To test the congregation’s views, Bishop Iker and the parish leaders agreed to hold an informational meeting on 11 Dec and a formal vote on 18 Dec that would accept or reject the petition sent to Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington – the delegate for the ordinariate in the U.S.—to be received when the ordinariate is erected on 1 Jan 2012. To read more, click here.

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