
Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Peek at Modern Paganism: How to Preach to Pagans (Part 2)

Paganism is a blanket term covering practices ranging from witchcraft to nature worship. Such diversity creates a daunting task for Christian evangelism, since it’s difficult to identify a focus when finding common ground with pagans. With this in mind, how can Christians effectively share the Good News with their pagan brothers and sisters?

The answer, religious experts and pagans agree, lies in study and sincere empathy for paganism's many strands. Many pagans see their practice as an individual journey, so respecting each person's religious travels on a case-by-case basis is crucial.

"Pagans share with Christians the belief that we are fundamentally spiritual beings," said James Beverley, a professor of Christian thought and ethics at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, Canada, and associate director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion. "With pagans, Christians long for meaning beyond the material realm and hope for life after death."

Beverley said such similarities offer a basis for Christians and pagans to initially interact on the same page. Both religions admire social justice and appreciate nature, he said, so believers from each can bond over eco-friendly or civic improvement programs. After that, he said they should share their beliefs and explore the differences between them.

"Christians focus on Jesus as lord and savior while pagans look to the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and northern Europe," Beverley said. "Like all other religions, paganism misses biblical truth about the one God who has revealed himself in the person of Jesus Christ. Christians should help pagans see the beauty of Jesus, his historical reality and his magnificent grace."

John Ramirez, an evangelical author and minister, understands this balancing act better than most. A former high priest in Santeria, a Caribbean occult tradition, he said he spent several years invoking spirits and demons in witchcraft rituals. The practice ultimately hurt him and his loved ones, he said, and he's since abandoned it for Christ’s love. To read more, click here.

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