
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Rebirth at Telopea

Telopea had an Anglican church meeting for 50 years prior to 2005. However, late that year a decision was made by the parish of Dundas-Telopea to shut down that church.

“The congregations [at Telopea] were relatively small but they were viable,” says senior minister, the Rev Alan Lukabyo.

“The reason we stopped meeting there is because we had a new strategic plan. [Telopea] was in a pattern of long-term gradual decline, so we decided to consolidate and re-energise our ministry at Dundas with the view of restarting the plant at Telopea when the time was right.”

That time came this year when the church employed its former student minister Ben Hudson full-time. Mr Hudson was given the job of relaunching the church plant in Telopea.

Two months ago, the new Telopea church had its first meeting with a launch team of about 25. To read more, click here.

Related video: Introducing Telopea Anglican Church

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