
Friday, December 02, 2011

Rwandan House of Bishops Writes Pastoral Letter to AMiA

The House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Rwanda has written a pastoral letter to the entire AMiA. In the letter the Rwandan House of Bishops reassure AMiA congregations and leaders of their firm stand with them. The letter refer to the resignation of Bishop Terrell Glenn and to the Washington Statement. It encourages openness, transparency, and the speaking of the truth in love.To read the letter, click here.


  1. La importancia de la crítica a la cristología de san Pablo, radica en que nos aporta los elementos de juicio necesarios para darnos cuenta __de la omisión capital que cometió Pablo al mutilar la naturaleza humana de Cristo en sus epístolas. Desechando la prueba de que es posible alcanzar la trascendencia humana practicando las virtudes opuestas a nuestros defectos hasta adquirir el perfil de humanidad perfecta, patente en Cristo (cero defectos). Doctrina sustentada por filósofos y místicos __y de la urgente necesidad de formular un cristianismo laico enmarcado en la doctrina y la teoría de la trascendencia humana, a fin de afrontar con éxito los retos y amenazas del Islam, el judaísmo, las corrientes de la nueva Era y la modernidad.

  2. Foregoing comment translated from Spanish using Google Toolbar:

    The critical importance of the Christology of St. Paul, is that it gives us the evidence necessary to realize capital __de omission committed by Paul to maul the human nature of Christ in his epistles. Discarding is proof that human transcendence can be achieved by practicing the virtues opposed to our defects to acquire the profile of perfect humanity, evident in Christ (zero defects). Doctrine supported by philosophers and mystics __y the urgent need to formulate a secular Christianity embodied in the doctrine and theory of human transcendence, to confront successfully the challenges and threats of Islam, Judaism, the currents of the new era and modernity.
