
Friday, December 09, 2011

TAC House of Bishops Calls for Archbishop John Hepworth's Immediate Removal

Hepworth will not be going to Rome

A vote in the Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC) College of Bishops called for the immediate removal of Archbishop John Hepworth from office. Apart from a few abstentions, the vote was nearly unanimous for his removal, sources tell VOL. Two thirds of all eligible voters voted for him to go. There were no votes in support of his staying as Primate. The results have been sent to the Primate.

The vast majority of TAC laity, clergy, bishops and priests around the world have rejected the pope's offer of union with Rome via the offer an Anglican Patrimony through Anglicanorum Coetibus.

Hepworth also indicated he will not be going to Rome (as he long promised) following news that the Roman Catholic Church would not accept him as a priest (let alone a bishop); they have demanded that he be laicized in order to re-enter the Roman Catholic Church. This is a clear reversal on Hepworth's part and raises enormous issues regarding his credibility. To read more, click here.

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