
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

12 Lessons Learned In 12 Years in Church Planting (Parts 1 and 2)

Twelve years ago this week, we launched weekly worship services at Mountain Lake Church. Wow. What a ride! God has used me despite my stupidity; and I have learned so much along the way. Here’s the first part of my top twelve lessons I’ve learned in the last twelve years. To read more of Part 1, click here.

7. Change the way people think about church: In the first year of our church, we made a decision. In everything we do, we’re going to seek to change the way people think about church. This is so much bigger than the type of music we do, or our dress, even though they are parts of the equation! It affects everything we do. Examples? Folks don’t have to be “Christians” to go on a mission trip. They might become one by going! They don’t have to be a “Christians” to volunteer at our church, much less, be a member! Our small groups are always not only open to new people, but are going after people who don’t go to church and inviting them to be a part! Every group is responsible to “get off the couch” and serve and care missionally for people groups in our community. Just small simple examples of how we’re changing the way people think about church both inside and outside our church in our community. To read more of Part 2, click here.

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