
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Anglican Mission Winter Conference 2012 Updates: Day 1

AMiA Winter Conference – Bishop Murphy’s Address, Part II

If you don’t want to listen to the entire audio of the presentation, here is a summary of the second half of Bishop Murphy’s presentation. To read more, click here.

AMiA Winter Conference – Bishops Roundtable

This afternoon, the AM bishops held a roundtable; the audio is available at this link. Some takeaways:

Archbishop Kolini states that “the whole problem is around power. There were five candidates to take my place. 10 voted for 1, the other voted for himself.” He is calling Bishop Alexis out here I think. He is consistently trying to hang this mess on Alexis. To read more, click here.

AMiA Winter Conference – Kolini vs. Rwanda

According to sources inside the AMiA Winter Conference meetings, retired Archbishop Kolini spoke heavily in defense of Chuck Murphy and against the Rwandans during the clergy convocation.

He is reported to have turned to Murphy and said, “Chuck, you are a victim of politics.”

He told the gathered clergy not to make Rwanda an idol. He said that Jesus has sent the clergy, “Rwanda has not sent you.” He is also reported to have said that “it is reverse colonialism.”To read more, click here

AMiA Winter Conference Day 1 – Revealing the New Thing

This morning in Houston, Bishops Murphy and Kolini presented for about an hour and took a couple hours of questions. The message from these men is that efforts at reconciliation are ongoing, but that the way forward remains unclear. How this matches up with the message tonight from Archbishop Yong Ping Chung is hard to see.

According to tweets from tonight’s meeting, Yong’s remarks included:

God is asking the AM to enlarge their tents for global mission. Hard work is ahead. (The AMiA) needs to go rescue those in darkness.

So there is to be no turning back from the global mission society concept. What it will be tethered to is totally unclear right now. Yong announced a change in the AMiA’s reach:

Go global! The 130,000,000 unreached becomes the 6 billion.

David Roseberry said that Yong blamed the Internet and the devil for the damage to the AM. To read more, click here.

Related articles:
Three Global South Archbishops Address AMIA Split at Annual Winter Conference
AMiA Winter Conference Slate focuses on the Holy Spirit, Mission and Anglicanism

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