
Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Bishop Thaddeus Barnum: First Steps

And Why I Decided to Stay in Rwanda

On August 31, I heard a word I never dreamed I'd hear.

I was on a monthly AMIA Council of Bishops (COB) phone call when our Chairman presented us with "options." He asked, 1- if we wanted to stay in Rwanda; 2- if we wanted to go to ACNA or, 3- if we wanted to start a new Missionary Society. He asked each of us to respond.

"Option?" I shot back. "There are no options. We're in relationship with Rwanda and Rwanda with us."

Just a year before, we announced to our brothers and sisters in ACNA that we chose to be a Missionary Partner with ACNA because our identity was clear. We are Rwandans. We can't be in two provinces. We can't have two archbishops. We belong to an Anglican jurisdiction. It's how we started. It's who we are.

For ten years I have served in the episcopal office. On the document of my consecration, it states that I was "chosen a bishop for the Province of the Episcopal Church of Rwanda." As I traveled the country helping to start new churches, preaching, confirming, ordaining, I did so as a missionary bishop in the Anglican Communion under this Rwandan authority.

And now, for the first time, I was faced with the word, "option" and the possibility -- the real possibility -- that division was just around the corner, crouching at the door. To read more, click here.

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