
Monday, January 23, 2012

The Business of Religion vs. Jesus

Sorry, but you can't reconstruct a stripped down, organic, anti-corporate version of what you think Jesus should be.

A talented young believer posted a video of himself delivering a poem last week about what's wrong the Church today and the thing has gone crazy-viral. Nearly 15 million views at this point. Quite remarkable.

Obviously, the piece is connecting with people. I would guess that most are connecting positively because they're interested in seeing a better angle on their Christian faith that's different than what they've been seeing. That desire is always good.

My interest is not the thoughts or offering of the young man who posted it. (I do like that it's an offering of discipleship through art, something that has a long and beautiful history in the church.) My interest is the wild response itself.

Why the huge reaction? One can only guess. So I will. To read more, click here.

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