
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Communique from Archbishop Eliud regarding the January 4 Reconciliation Meeting between the Anglican Church of Rwanda and the AMiA

On Wednesday January 4th, 2012 a reconciliation meeting was in Nairobi, Kenya, held between the leaders of the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA) and the Province of the Anglican Church of Rwanda [PEAR] at the invitation of the Most Rev'd Dr. Eliud Wabukala, Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Kenya [ACK] and Chairman of the Primates Council of the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans [GAFCON/FCA}

Present were the Most Rev'd Dr. Elîud Wabukala (ACK), the Most Rev'd Onesphore Rwage (PEAR), the Rt. Rev'd Lauren Mbanda (PEAR), Rt. Rev'd Chuck Murphy (AMiA) and the Rt. Rev'd John Miller (AMiA). Also present were the Most Rev'd Ikechi Nwosu (Church of Nigeria), the Rt. Rev'd Ioseph Kanuku (ACK), the Rt. Rev'd Timothy Ranji (ACK), the Rt. Kalu (ACK) and the Rt. Rev'd Dr. Gideon Githiga (ACK).

The Chairman made it clear that while there had been a painful and very public breakdown in the relationship between the leadership of the Anglican Mission in America and the Anglican Church of Rwanda he was confident that by God's grace reconciliation could be achieved and harmony restored. He invited both sides to present their concerns openly and urged all present to listen prayerfully. To read more, click here.

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