
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Congregation sets goal: 100 new church plants

Mowing the grass surrounding the community center where the fledgling congregation was meeting, a Jacksonville youngster was unaware years ago that it would be the first of many churches he would have a role in planting.

The elementary school student was determined to do his part to grow a church that had started in his family's living room.

As a seminary student in Louisville, his green thumb in planting churches again blossomed while launching churches around the country and later planting churches for Highview Baptist Church there.

Perhaps church planting was in Jimmy Scroggins' spiritual DNA, with the 40-year-old pastor now setting his sights on starting new churches among South Florida's an estimated 6.6 million unreached people. As pastor of First Baptist Church in West Palm Beach, he has set a goal of leading in the launch of 100 new churches in the three-county region. Keep reading.

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