
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Don’t Treat the Gospel Like Your Wedding Pictures

Several years ago I worked at an investment broker dealer. It was at the tail end of the market’s ‘good days’ and during the subsequent ‘bad days’ that followed September 11th. As you might imagine there was a lot of chatter about the disappation of folks’ investments. I remember over hearing the customer service reps repeatedly trying to calm people down. One particular strategy they employed was to tell the anxious callers to look at their investment summaries about as often as they look at their wedding pictures. In other words, don’t get too worked up day to day.

This worked because most people don’t look at their wedding pictures every year, let alone every month or every day.

I remember wondering, “What would happen if people did look at their wedding pictures every month?” Most certainly couples would be reminded of their love for one another, the beauty of their spouse, the changes over the years, and the love that they still have. It could be helpful. It could prevent ‘issues’. To read more, click here.

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