
Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The dos and don’ts of witnessing to Buddhists

While Christianity is hardly on the radar of young people in Western countries, Buddhism is growing in popularity.

In fact in the 90s, as people were leaving the church in their thousands, it was the fastest growing faith in the UK. Today, there are over 500 Buddhist centres and meditation sites in the country.

There is in Europe, the sense that Christianity has been “tried” and now it is time to try something else, Li-Anne Piwonka of WEC International told young European Christians at the Mission-Net Congress in Erfurt, Germany.

“And there are things we didn’t do so well so they open themselves up to other streams,” she said.

In fact, Buddhism is enjoying a surge in interest as a result of the popularity of New Age spirituality among young Europeans. To read more, click here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not so sure about the advice in this article. I don't believe you can compete with Buddha by presenting Christ as an quasi-Buddhist also-ran.
    I think Buddhism needs to be honored as the best solution ever devised to deal with a painful and meaningless universe.
    Unless the truth is otherwise, and the universe does have meaning. We believe it does. We have our reasons. Want to know about them?
