
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Have UK Churches Found the Secret to Higher Attendance?

Attendance of UK Churches on the Rise

More people are attending church services in the U.K., and many are sharing their theories behind this rise.

According to The Telegraph, although figures have shown church attendance in the U.K. to have declined since the 1980s, recent figures show this is now changing. The report refers to one British church, St. Mary's congregation, which he claims has seen a 20 percent rise in church attendees in the past twelve months.

In the U.K., 76.8 percent are said to be religious according to sources, with Christianity being the dominant faith.

In 2007, a Tearfund survey found that 10 percent of religious individuals attend church on a weekly basis- although this figure significantly increased around Christmas time.

In 1979, 5.4 million people attended church, but this figure reportedly dropped to 3.2 million by 2005.

Some reasons for the decline in church attendance include Sunday shopping, sports and all round generalization. To read more, click here.

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