
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Making the Most of Discipling Relationships

Tips for effective discipling

Unbelievers who were led to Jesus through a discipling relationship were asked, "Why did you feel comfortable discussing spiritual matters with this person?" They indicated that they were comfortable engaging in spiritual discussions with someone who demonstrates humility. This requires us to have gentle attitudes. Kimberly said, "I think it took less than a year. She was very gentle and didn't push anything." Similarly, Kevin said, "He acted like my opinion mattered to him, and he didn't try to force his opinions and beliefs on me."

Being pushy or pressuring people to come to Jesus does not encourage spiritual discussion. As disciplers, the last thing we want to do is push anyone to follow Jesus or pressure the person in any way. This kind of relationship does not benefit us or unbelievers. If we have humble hearts, engaging in spiritual dialogue will not threaten others. Ellen said, "It was a nonthreatening situation—no pamphlets, no 'come to Jesus' talk—just friendship and discussion."

A spirit of humility breaks down the barriers of resistance and opens the doors for spiritual dialogue. Brett said, "There was no pressure. Since we were friends, I admired him and it was easier to talk about." To read more, click here.

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