
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Moving Forward Together: Sacred Assembly Wrap-Up

Sometimes on vacation we will write to a friend from some temporary paradise, "I wish you were here". I must say, if you are reading this article and could not make it to the Sacred Assembly called Moving Forward Together [MFT] I truly wish you were there. I say that because for me it was at certain points as if we were indeed in Paradise. I don't believe I have ever been at such a large gathering where there was such intense seeking and subdued, worshipful, spiritual energy. To see such large number of clergy and laity seeking the face of God together in an atmosphere of open prolonged, sincere, and dignified worship, humility, sorrow for sin, confession, and repentance was an awesome thing.

Those who have been following the story of the dust-up between AMiA and it's provincial home in Rwanda would, like myself, headed toward Raleigh expecting a far different program and agenda than what actually materialized over the eighteen actual hours of meeting together at the Church of the Apostles.

Some would have expected the meeting to have the spirit of a business meeting. In other words, what do we do now? What are the structures, who are the leaders, what is our new name, where is the new headquarters going to be, and etcetera? Others would have expected a time of recriminations and accusations directed at some people and explanations and justifications on the part of others. Some would have expected a 'show' or a 'pep rally atmosphere' to get everyone excited and to draw everyone in and get 'momentum' for a new movement. Then experienced Anglicans may have expected papering over problems and endless dialogue and committee meetings.

Speaking for myself, but also according to others, what we saw and what actually transpired in Raleigh was an unexpected and 'once in a lifetime' experience for an assembly of ministers in a time of crisis, confusion, and pain. To read more, click here.

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