
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Moving Forward Together A Solemn Assembly: Day 2

Day 2 of Moving Forward Together A Solemn Assembly began with Morning Prayer. Rwandan Bishop Louis Muvuny preached the sermon, "Wearing the Whole Armor of God." Bishop Muvuny drew to the attention of the gathering that their enemy was not people. They are fighting against the spiritual forces of evil at work in the world. He stressed that to fight spiritual forces requires spiritual weapons.

Next CANA Bishop Julian Dobbs gave an address titled "Come, Let Us Arise and Build." He spoke on six steps that he believed were essential to the replanting of biblical Anglicanism in North America. They included:

1. Confident commitment to biblical truth;
2. Determined dedication to evangelism;
3. Radical investment in church planting;
4. Conduit for new leaders;
5. An Anglican moment; and
6. Dedicated and determined discipleship.

Bishop Dobb's address was followed by a break, after which a panel discussion regarding Moving Forward Together was held. The participants were Archbishop Onesphore Rwaje, Bishop Alexis Bilindabagabo, Bishop Laurent Mbanda, Bishop Louis Muvuny, Bishop Thad Barnum, and Bishop Terrel Glenn. Those present at the gathering were given an opportunity to address questions to the panel of bishops. I did not find this panel discussion particularly informative.

During the course of the panel discussion Bishop Barnum confessed to how he believed that he had injured Archbishop Robert Duncan who was seated in the audience. He apologized to Archbishop Duncan who forgave him. Bishop Glenn also confessed to injuring those over whom he had been bishop through his resignation from the Council of Bishops and apologized to them.

Bishop Glenn told the gathering that what form the "Rwandan convocation" would take and the structure it would adopt would depend upon God. He also told the gathering that he and Bishop Barnum were using ACNA bishops to provide episcopal ministry to churches in the "Rwandan convocation" on the West Coast.

After lunch those present at the gathering attended one of five breakout session. I attend Bishop Bilindabagabo's session, Church Planting in the Tradition of the East African Revival. I plan to write a seperate article on the talk that he gave. Other sessions were Mission Partnerships with Bishop Laurent Mbanda, Clergy Wives with the discussion facilitated by Teresa Glenn, Financing a Movement with discussion facilitated by David Bryan, and "What's So Important About Continuing to be Anglican?" with discussion facilitated by Steve Breedlove.

Day 2 concluded with Evening Prayer. The Rev. Dr. Lyle Dorsett preached the message. He asked those present, "Do you love his appearing?" Did they have that kind of relationship with Jesus where they wanted to see him more than anything else. They could not wait to behold him face to face.

Related article: A Living Text: Moving Forward Together - Day 2

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