
Monday, January 16, 2012

My Church Model Is Better Yours

“The Mega Church is the best!”

“No! The House/Organic Church is the best!”

“No way, bro! The Hipster Church is the best!”

“The Traditional Church was good for the Apostle Paul, therefore it is still the best!”

We slam the Mega Church, saying it’s “too corporate and shallow.”

We slam the House Church/Organic Church as just “a bunch of bitter and disgruntled people who were burned in a Mega Church, so that now they just want to meet together with a ‘four and no more’ mentality.”

We slam the Hipster Church as too “technologically driven and entertainment-based, with music so loud it will bruise your internal organs.”

And we slam the Traditional Church as “dead and irrelevant.” To read more, click here.

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