
Saturday, January 07, 2012

Ordinariate Watch: Not even trickle of Canadian Anglicans to Catholicism

Many Canadian Catholics have been enthusiastic in recent years that dissident Anglicans, who have been feuding with liberals for years over homosexual blessings and priests, will find their way to the Catholic church as a theological safe haven.

But it just isn’t happening, according to an article in The Catholic Register.

The Register article, headlined “Hopes fade for Anglican ordinariate,” says there has been a serious decline in recent years in the number of Anglicans talking about finding a place in the Catholic church. The drop-off in interest among Anglicans occurred just after the pope, amid some controversy, made it possible two years ago.

Go here for the full article on this unusual situation, by veteran writer Michael Swan.

If you are one of the many people unfamiliar with the term, “ordinariate,” here is the beginning of the Wikipedia definition. To read more, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps Canadian Anglicans suffer from Low T, they just can't get motivated enough to cross the Tiber; all their get up and go got up and went?
