
Monday, January 02, 2012

Ordinariate Watch: U.S. Catholic ordinariate for former Anglicans formed

Former Episcopal bishop to head it

Pope Benedict XVI established a new nationwide U.S. ordinariate Jan. 1 for U.S. Anglicans (Episcopalians) who wish to become Catholic. He named Fr. Jeffrey N. Steenson, a Catholic theology professor in Houston and former Episcopal bishop, as its first head.

The new Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter will be based in Houston, according to Jan. 1 announcements released in Rome and Washington.

In a news release on its new Web site the ordinariate said that more than 100 Anglican priests in the United States and nearly 1,400 individuals from 22 communities are seeking to enter the Catholic Church as part of the ordinariate. Two of those communities entered into full communion with the Catholic Church this past fall after a period of preparation. To read more, click here.

Related articles:
Jeffrey Steenson to lead the Anglican Ordinariate in the U.S.
Some Anglicans apply to join the Catholic church
Canadian Bishop Receives Parish and Adds it to the List for the New Ordinariate
Pope sets up US structure for disaffected Anglicans

1 comment:

  1. My goodness, what an unpretentious name they have chosen. Manifest destiny rears its ugly head once more.
