
Friday, January 13, 2012

Pioneers USA Reaches Out to 200,000 Muslims in Chad

Pioneers USA recently added a new video to their "Multiply" Web series that takes viewers to the country of Chad where a church-planting team is meeting humanitarian needs and sharing the Gospel with a Muslim people group of 200,000.

The work is just beginning in Chad, and the challenges are geographical, cultural and spiritual. After landing in the capital city of N’Djamena, Dave Carter and his missionary team have to travel two to three days to get to the far eastern city of Guereda where they serve with the Tama people.

Guereda is a city the size of Des Moines, Iowa, but with no known believers and no church.

"It's a challenge to live here," Carter notes in the "Multiply" video. "But a lot of the easier places to get to are already reached with the Gospel. It's the places like this in the heart of Africa, the forgotten places that just haven’t been touched with God’s word yet.” To read more, click here.

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