
Thursday, January 19, 2012

The 'Prosperity Gospel' Is Peddled by Magicians

Have you noticed the significant number of ministers in recent decades who have been promoting magic in their teaching? They truly believe that their very words contain the power to create and change reality around them. They teach people that man has the ability to speak things into existence the same way that God spoke the world into existence. They have been deceived into believing they have this power within themselves and in the words they speak out loud.

These false teachers have been seduced by the "Word-Faith movement." The arrogance of this philosophy has led its followers to believe that God must obey our commands if we speak the right words with enough faith. It makes man "god" and it makes God our servant who is limited in His activity for us by the words we confess out loud. There is no humility in this doctrine and it goes completely against the letter and the spirit of the Scriptures. Man cannot speak into existence anything he wants to happen. It is up to God to decide how best to answer our prayers according to His will and His plan for our life on earth. The humble Christian prays in faith and confidence, but always with an attitude of "Thy will be done." The Word-Faith promoter speaks magic words with the mindset, "My will be done."

It is very much like the magicians who perform in Las Vegas and elsewhere. One magician explained the power of his words this way: "This source of the power of any word uttered for magical purposes is quite simple: The will of the magician. A word uttered by the average man will only reflect an immediate thought, usually directed towards no real end. That same word, uttered by a magician, can have an impact on the very fabric of reality." It is no different with the Word-Faith teachers. They believe that their words change reality. They believe any of us can harness this power and ability just like God. You just need to learn how to speak things into existence the way God did. To read more, click here.

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