
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Seminary Leaving Students Worse Off? Desiring God Reacts With New Series

Contrary to popular opinion, seminary can actually leave many believers worse off than when they started.

Not underestimating this strange phenomenon, the leaders at Desiring God ministry created a new series titled “How to Stay Christian at Seminary,” hoping to do exactly that – keep potential pastors and “serious students of the Bible” Christian.

The first of the seven ways seminary students could accomplish this was published on Tuesday: “Know Your Value of Values.”

“As seminarians and aspiring church leaders, our immediate future is uncertain,” Jonathan Parnell, a content strategist at Desiring God, stated on the ministry’s blog. “We don’t really know what we’re doing ... we don’t really know where we’ll end up ... we don’t really know what theological commitments will be intensified or leveraged.”

“But this we do know: we value something. We know what we care about. More than anything else, by grace, we want Jesus to be high and lifted up. We value his name. We are committed to his fame and renown. We want the fullness of God’s person to be displayed for the delight of his people in all that he is for us in Jesus Christ. This is our value of values. We are about the glory of God.”

He warned that without holding onto the “value of values” and being committed to them, it was easy for the knowledge gained from biblical training to puff up. To read more, click here.

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