
Friday, January 20, 2012

Winter Conference 2012 Communique

Nearly 700 laity, clergy, bishops, archbishops and guests gathered at the Hilton Americas Hotel in Houston, Texas, January 11-14, 2012, for worship, prayer, Bible study, teaching and fellowship. We were challenged and encouraged by a range of presentations from inside and outside the Anglican Mission and affirmed our commitment to evangelism through church planting. We came with an expectation for the Holy Spirit to be present and move among us, and we rejoice in His anointing our time together.

While we celebrated with joy our life and mission, we also acknowledged the difficult, and painful events we have experienced as a Mission over the last few months. We spent a significant amount of time together seeking God’s heart and acknowledging the pain of broken relationships. This led to frank and open discussions among bishops, clergy and laity – we shared our hearts and listened to one another’s concerns.

We give thanks for the presence, leadership, spiritual oversight and godly wisdom of our founding Archbishops Emmanuel Kolini, Moses Tay and Yong Ping Chung. To read more, click here.

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