
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Christian Students' Latest Mission Field: Public Schools

One Christian organization is looking to reach what it believes to be a closed country – the public school.

With religion being pushed out of schools for nearly five decades now, only a minority of teenagers today are said to be Bible-believing Christians. Hoping to change those statistics, however, The Life Book Movement began, targeting Bible-illiterate high school students in the largely hard-to-reach public institutions.

"Public schools represent the most strategic mission field in the United States," Carl Blunt, president and CEO of The Life Book Movement, told The Christian Post. "The vast majority of teenagers pass through their doors."

Seizing the endless opportunities, the organization, an outreach of The Gideons International, works together with local church youth leaders and their students to help get the Word out and "saturate" the schools with God's message through the distribution of The Life Book.

"I believe the church is declining greatly in terms of its biblical influence," Blunt lamented. "With a shift toward a more socially-driven Gospel, the biblical message of sinners in need of a Savior seems to be diminished."

"We have lost our distinct and prophetic voice in the culture. We have become much better at answering the 'how' to life's challenges, but I believe we've missed the deeper 'why.' The Life Book Movement addresses the core issue of Christianity – sin and salvation." Keep reading

Learn more about The Life Book Movement from its website

View The Life Book Movement videos

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