
Thursday, February 02, 2012

Cranmer's Curate: Concerns over plans to homogenise clergy training

Serious concerns are due to be voiced at next week's General Synod over a plan to homogenise pre- and post-ordination training.

The Phase 2 Report of the Ministry Council Working Party into the Church of England's Higher Education (HE) and Initial Ministry Training (IME) practices was approved by the House of Bishops last December. The report is to be examined at the upcoming Synod in London.

There were concerns that the report was going to be ratified by Synod 'under the radar' in the midst of the main business of women bishops. But according to Anglican evangelical campaign group, Reform, one of the parties concerned about the proposals, the report is not going to a vote at this Synod and will be properly scrutinised. Keep reading.

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