
Friday, February 24, 2012

An extra day for blessing others

29 February has traditionally been a blessing for single women wishing to propose marriage. If you were a man living in Scotland, refusing to accept resulted in a large fine! This strange tradition is thought to have originated from St Bridget who petitioned St Patrick that woman should have more of an active role in choosing their husbands. As a result women were granted permission to propose … once every four years!

While it’s not marriage, I have a rather outlandish proposal for you: seeing as you’ve got an extra day of the year how about making the most of it and doing something that will allow others to get something of what we have as followers of Jesus!

Treat this February 29 as a day given for a purpose. How about challenging yourself to bless others around you? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting it’s a day for gimmicks and games but rather an opportunity to express something of our Father’s heart to his children who haven’t connected yet with what you and I have in Jesus. Keep reading

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