
Thursday, February 09, 2012

General Synod vote on Women Bishops’ draft legislation

Report from yesterday's vote on Women Bishop's draft legislation by Chris Sugden, Synod member:

'The General Synod today voted as follows on a motion that gives the Bishops some space to modify the measure on women bishops. They voted as follows:

That this Synod,

(a) noting the significant support the draft Bishops and Priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure has received in the Houses of Bishops, Clergy and Laity of diocesan synods, and

(b) desiring that the draft Measure be returned to the Synod for consideration on the Final Approval Stage substantially unamended so that it can be seen if the proposals embodied in it in the form in which it has been referred to the dioceses can attain the level of support required to achieve Final Approval,

request the House of Bishops in the exercise of its power under Standing Order 60(b) not to amend the draft Measure substantially.

The voting was as follows by houses

Bishops For 26 Against 16 Abstentions 5
Clergy For 128 Against 64 Abstentions 0
Laity For 111 Against 85 Abstentions 1

Totals (For interest only) For 265 Against 165 Abstentions 6

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