
Friday, February 03, 2012

Mexico Drug Cartels in Regions Steeped in Witchcraft, Demonic Influence

Mexico's epidemic of violence first erupted in 2006, according to most accounts. But an ex-Muslim from India, who serves as a Christian pastor along the Texas-Mexican border, believes the problem began much earlier, with human sacrifice, witches, and the adoration of death in ancient Aztec days.

Bombay-born Mujahid Hussein, 41, who found Jesus aboard a cruise ship in the Caribbean 17 years ago, is now known as David Elijah. He was ordained by Kings Revival Church International of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the largest and fastest growing congregation in the Middle East.

"There are few places in America more evil, or more steeped in witchcraft and demonic influences, along with false prophets, divination and corruption, than the border region of northern Mexico and the Rio Grande Valley of south Texas," Elijah told The Christian Post.

He pastors a church, leads an evangelistic healing and deliverance ministry, and hosts a weekly broadcast, "Avivamiento Del Rey," on Radio Vida, a local Christian station in McAllen, Texas, just across the border from Reynosa, Mexico. The weekly program is heard in Spanish and English in Mexico, Latin America, the Caribbean, Texas and the western U.S., on a variety of AM frequencies.

"The worship of Santa Muerte (Holy Death, or Saint Death) is widespread, especially among the drug cartels, but it's also rapidly growing among the general population in Mexico and in Hispanic communities in the U.S.," he said.

Human blood is sometimes offered to gain the favor of this idol, which is depicted in illustrations and statues as a skeleton wearing a hooded robe, holding a scythe or globe. Some link Santa Muerte to the Aztec goddess of the dead, Mictecacihuatl. Keep reading.

Related article: US Missionaries Slain in Violent Region of Mexico


  1. Que tiene que ver la nota de narcotrafico y violencia en Mexico con la figura prehispanica.
    Por que mejor no escribes por el fanatismo cristano en estados unidos, trump y la forma de drogarse de todos los estados unidos de norteamerica.

  2. de este lado del mundo se convivió tanto con la luz (el bien) como con la oscuridad (el mal). PERO no por llamarle EL MAL se despojaba de la vida de los hombres. se comprendieron tan a la perfección ambas partes que el mal resulta ser tan útil como el bien. Esta escultura del demonio como tu le llamas representa la convivencia con la muerte y con esta su comprensión y cuando se comprende a la muerte sabes que esta es solo una ilusión.
    Quienes le dan poder a la muerte y así al mal son ustedes con su tanta idolotria cristiana, religiosa, etc...
    están cerrados todos ustedes del otro lado del mundo.
    el narcotrafico es un camuflaje mexicano. no siempre haremos eso, como dije solo es un camuflaje debajo de esto estamos aun en la totalidad del universo, sentimos a la tierra (nuestra madre) y cada extencion de ella, sentimos al universo y su expansión juntos nosotros MEXICANOS con el mismo.

    eres un ignorante Anglicans Ablaze
