
Saturday, February 18, 2012

TAC Archbishop Issues Pastoral Letter Over Split

In recent months, a deep division has been created in the Traditional Anglican Communion. Bishops and Vicars General have threatened others with expulsion. Clergy and laity have been bullied and threatened. A minority of the bishops plan to meet shortly in South Africa with the openly published agenda of expelling all those who are at the various stages of discernment of the offer of the "fullness of Catholic Communion" contained in the Apostolic Constitution of Pope Benedict XVI.

This bullying reached new levels with the publication of letters from Canon Gray in England and Bishop Marsh in the United States, cancelling arrangements into which they entered that created a tolerant environment during this process. In the past few days, these events among others have greatly concerned me.... Keep reading

Related articles:
Resignation of Archbishop John Hepworth of TAC
African Bishop Michael Gill joins John Hepworth resignation push

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