
Friday, March 09, 2012

Boko Haram Reveals Plan to 'Islamize Nigeria'

New details of Boko Haram's grand plans to "Islamize Nigeria" have been exposed through interrogations with the State Security Service. Two coordinators within the terrorist organization are finally speaking out, though it remains to be seen whether their information proves helpful to the Nigerian government.

"We had a grand plan to Islamize Nigeria, rightly starting with the North," revealed Abu Qaqa and Kabiru Sokoto. African news source ThisDay reported the exact comments from the interviews.

"We felt that a lot of Muslims were not practicing the religion faithfully as they should. Part of the plan was to reduce the powers of the Sultan to traditional ruler functions, only while all religious authority would be vested with our leader based in Yobe," said the coordinators.

Qaqa is the former spokesperson for Boko Haram, while Sokoto is believed to have coordinated the 2011 Christmas Day bombing.

"We believed there were so many things wrong with the present arrangement of combining tradition with religion," they told authorities.

Yet if Boko Haram has its way, Islamic law will become the law of Nigeria. No longer will there be government officials, there will only be religious leaders who hold all the power. This leads to the fear of Shariah law becoming realized in the land, which could lead to persecution and unjust treatment of non-followers. Keep reading

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