
Friday, March 02, 2012

Churches Called to Lay Down Youth Culture Idolatry in Worship

Many churches today have become too obsessed with youth culture, idolizing whatever is new, fresh, and cutting edge, particularly in the area of worship.

Concerned that a kind of "celebrity culture" was permeating into worship, detracting from Christ and his vision for the church, three experienced worship leaders came together on The Gospel Coalition to talk about the implications of the growing phenomenon and address ways that the church could challenge those idolatries.

"I see congregations where there is such an attachment to all of the entrapments of youth in America and this fundamental belief that we're not going to get old or that we can be both old and young at the same time," Isaac Wardell, the worship director of Trinity Presbyterian Church, shared.

Churches are stuck in a mentality that worship had to constantly be newer, fresher, and the next best thing, oftentimes losing focus on the message of the Gospel as a result.

The idolatries with youth culture, which has led to the selection of young, hip and extremely talented worship leaders, inevitably cause many congregants to feel inadequate as well, discouraging them from using their gifts because they do not feel they "looked, dressed, or sounded the part."

"It has nothing to do with a local congregation," Mike Cosper, the pastor of worship and arts at Sojourn Community Church, noted. "It has everything to do with this machine that's being driven in there." Keep reading

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